Science KS2

The following Science National Curriculum objectives are covered by the content on the site:

Sc3 materials and their properties

Grouping and classifying materials

1. Pupils should be taught:

a) to compare everyday materials and objects on the basis of their material properties, including hardness, strength, flexibility and magnetic behaviour, and to relate these properties to everyday uses of the materials

b) that some materials are better thermal insulators than others

c) that some materials are better electrical conductors than others

Sc4 Physical processes


1. Pupils should be taught

Simple circuits

a) to construct circuits, incorporating a battery or power supply and a range of switches, to make electrical devices work [for example, buzzers, motors]

b) how changing the number or type of components [for example, batteries, bulbs, wires] in a series circuit can make bulbs brighter or dimmer

c) how to represent series circuits by drawings and conventional symbols, and how to construct series circuits on the basis of drawings and diagrams using conventional symbols.

Breadth of study

1. During the key stage, pupils should be taught the Knowledge, skills and understanding through:

b) looking at the part science has played in the development of many useful things

c) using a range of sources of information and data, including ICT-based sources

2. During the key stage, pupils should be taught


a) use appropriate scientific language and terms, including SI units of measurement [for example, metre, newton] , to communicate ideas and explain the behaviour of living things, materials, phenomena and processes

Health and safety

b) recognise that there are hazards in living things, materials and physical processes, and assess risks and take action to reduce risks to themselves and others.