
BatteriesA battery is two or more electric cells joined together that can produce an electric current when connected to an electric circuit. have a positive connection and a negative connection. The positive connection always has + sign while the negative connection always has a - sign.

Battery types

You need to make sure you connect the wires to the battery correctly. If you connect the wires wrongly, your circuitA collection of wires and electric components connected together in such a way that electric current can flow through them. won't work as the electric current won't flow.


Battery wrongly connected switch offBattery wrongly connected switch on

Do you think this would work? Run your mouse over the picture to check.

Battery wrongly connected no2 switch onBattery wrongly connected no2 switch off

How about this? Run your mouse over the picture to check.

Battery correctly connected switch offBattery correctly connected switch on

And what about this? Run your mouse over the picture to check.


If you use more than one battery make sure their polarity is correct. The batteries must be connected end to end with the positive terminal of one connected to the negative terminal of the next.


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