Renewable energy sources

Renewable energy sources are ones that won't get used up or run out. There are several types of renewable energy sources but hydroelectric and wind energy currently supply the most energy.


High dams and reservoirs sometimes have hydro-electric power stationsPower stations generate electric current in very large quantities for supply to the national grid. nearby. The water falls under gravity, travelling through huge pipes to get to the power station. In the power station, the energy stored in the falling water is transferred to a turbine. The turbine rotates which in turn, rotates a generatorA machine that causes an electric current to flow in wires by taking energy as movement and transferring it to energy as moving charge.. The generator causes electric current to flow by electromagnetic inductionWhen a wire passes close to a magnet (through a magnetic field), an electric current is generated in the wire. in the wires it is connected to. We often say, 'electricity is generated'.



Wind turbine

A wind turbine contains a rotor connected with some gears to a generator. The generator works in the same way as the ones found in power stations - but are much smaller. The gears make the generators spin fast even when the rotor is spinning slowly.

A collection of wind turbines is called a wind farm. The electrical voltage generated in a wind farm is lower than with fossil fuel, nuclear or hydroelectric power stations.

Other renewable energy sources

Other sources of renewable energy which can be used to generate electricity include solar power from the sun, tidal energy from the sea and burning biomass - that's waste plant materials like crops and animal waste.


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